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Jesus Loves the Little Children! - Kids need to hear how great God's love for them is and how each of them is special and important! At LCC KIDS, we want to show them the story of God's love in scripture and help them show that love to everyone they meet! We have qualified, gifted leaders who will introduce your young ones to the God Who changes everything!

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” - Matthew 19:14


At LCC KIDS we know your children are your most precious treasure. We are honored that you would trust us with your son or daughter, and we don't take that lightly! We work hard to craft a safe, engaging atmosphere where your child can connect to Jesus! We want to come alongside you, providing you with weekly resources for continuing to disciple your young ones throughout the week.

Kids in Daycare


We offer Children's Church for your 2yrs - Pre-K kids. They will enjoy activities such as games, snacktime, storytime, and play with lots of toys. All of these activities will instill in your child from the earliest age that Jesus loves them and we do too!

Anchor 1


We offer Children's Church for your K-5th Grade students. Each week, the kids will study Bible stories, make crafts, play games, and learn who God is, how He loves each of them and made them unique, and how He wants to them to live every day. 

Children Praying
Anchor 2
Children's Race

Vacation Bible School

Each year, LCC KIDS hosts VBS. With games, songs, new friends, and great lessons on the great, big love of God, it's a week to remember every time!


Ages: 4yrs. - 6th Grade

Anchor 3

Christmas Pageant

Christmas is an incredible opporunity not only to introduce kids to Jesus and his good news, but to allow them to serve!  That's why, for the last several years, the K-5th Grade class of LCC KIDS has held a Christmas pageant for the whole church. 


Practices held during Children's Church November and December.

A Christmas Blizzard (2).jpg

Gospel Focus

Above all, we believe that Jesus has died for the sins of all people, to free us from darkness and bring us light and love we didn't know was possible. This is the best, most important news the world has ever known, and we want your kids to know about this love too! We will constantly remind students that they are valuable to Jesus and perfectly made by Him. 

Nursery/Cry Room

Infants & Young Children

Both Services

Convenient Location Near Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall

Sunday School

2yrs - Prek Grade

Sundays 9AM-9:45AM

K - 6
Sunday Schools

K - 6th


Bible Lesson

Sundays 9AM-9:45AM

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